lives and works in Berlin

2013 – 14 Universität der Künste _ Kunst im Kontext, Berlin
1997 – 98 Universität der Künste_ Philosophie, Berlin
1995 – 97 Kunstakademie Minerva_ postgraduate, Groningen_NL
1990 – 95 FH Design, FB Visuelle Kommunikion & Malerei_ Diplom, Bielefeld
1985 – 88 Training as a cartographer, Rathaus Bielefeld & Landesvermessungsamt, Bad Godesberg

awards :

2023 artist in residence, Lucas Cranach Stadt, Kronach
2020 Corona funding, Investitionsbank Berlin
2016 Käthe Dorsch & Agnes Straub Stiftung, Berlin
artist in residence, Fruholmen Nordkap, Norway
since 2013 BBK – Atelierförderprogramm, Berlin
2012 Nomination : Tempelhofer/Schöneberger Kunstpreis, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin
2011 Nomination : Preis der Jungen Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2008 1. Prize for : Appreciation of Art | tmp. deluxe, Berlin
2006 artist in residence, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt/Oder
2002 Schwalenberger Stipendium, Institut für Lippische Landeskunde, Lemgo
2001 artist in residence + symposium, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2000 Kunstförderung_Werkvertrag | Stadt Berlin
Nomination : Kunstpreis-75jährigen Jubiläums Rundfunkchor Berlin
1997-00 Atelierstipendium | Kunsthaus 23, Berlin-Kladow
1995 1. Erasmus – student at the Academy of Art Minerva, Groningen, NL

exhibitions selection:

2024 JAPAN ART Festival_ Palace Art Association, Charlottenburg Palace | Great Orangery Berlin
2024 VERWERFUNG | Gallery Rainer Gröschl, Kiel
2024 50°/8° deep dive.measing.spirit| Kunstverein Montez, Frankfurt am Main
2023 HAUT | Zitadelle_ZAK Center for Contemporary Art, Berlin
2023 THE TROUBLED NATURE | vdbK1867@HausKunsMitte, Berlin
2022 TASTY PAINTING | Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin
2022 NORTH_OVERSEE | Cabinet show, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven
2022 mapping 3 | Gallery at the MuseumsKulturspeicher, Würzburg
2021 JAPAN.artfestival | Tokyo Metropolitan Theater, Japan
2021 6 from 60_SCHWARZWEISS, VdBK1867 | Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum, Berlin
2020 … from the air, Zuzanna Skiba & Werner Drimecker | Salongalerie Die Möwe, Berlin
2019 pages/rooms | Württembergischer Kunstverein, STUTTGART
2019 CHIMERA | Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin
2019 platform project, SCOTTY 38, Athens Greece
2018 Landscape and the wonder_ stranofilmfestival | Capestrano Abruzzo, Italy
2018 Pattern of invisible | Konstanty Szydlowski & Projetspace Kai Hilgemann, Berlin
2018 The Cartographic View_KünstlerDialog | Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart
2018 14th International Biennial of Art | Gornji Milanovac, Serbia
2018 Ecstasis Teresa| Alte Münze_Untergrund, Berlin
2017 EKO MATERIA | Museum_contemporary art department Oliwa Gdansk, Poland
2017 Magnetic Fields & Floating Volcanoes, Institute of Geosciences University, Jena
2017 no limite / am Limit | Museu da UFPA, Belém, Brazil
2016 Drama in the landscape | Fruholmen/Ingoy artspace Nordkap, Norway
2016 Pophits covered Covers | Palais Breuner, Vienna
2014 The Artist As Curator’s Art vol. IV @ SCHAU FENSTER, Berlin
2014 With the fear I kiss the darkness | Galerie Gebrüder Wright, Berlin
2014 Magnetfelder | Galerie exhibeo, Berlin
2014 Das verortete Verlangen 3: Kunst & Kartographie| SCHAU FENSTER, Berlin
2014 Lieber Künstler, zeichne mir ! | Gallery Semjon Contemporary, Berlin
2013 pophits | artspace.rheinmain.Ölhalle, Offenbach
2013 Pokoj_5 Polish female artists | White Elephant Gallery, Berlin
2012 the localized desire 2: Art & Cartography | Alte Feuerwache, Berlin
2012 Constellations | Haus am Kleispark, Berlin
2012 Magnetic fields: mental_im Fluß | gallery exhibeo, Berlin
2010 feedback 1989 | Center for Contemporary Art Lab, Tirana, Albania
2010 ICEP Art| MUSA Museum Vienna, Vienna
2010 A book about death | the Emily Harvey Foundation, gallery 537, New York USA
2010 Das schöne Blut | White Elephant Gallery, Berlin
2010 awarded | Drawing Festival Art & Science, Oldenburg
2008 Conversations under the lime trees | Galerie le Rayon Vert, Nantes, France
2008 unten_oben | 18m Gallery for numerical values, Berlin
2008 Festival for the appreciation of art | tmp.deluxe, Berlin
2008 The localized desire 1: Art & Cartography| arttransponder, Berlin
2008 from below_in the middle_from above | Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
2007 berlinerpool_artist | Academy of Arts, Berlin
2005 _5 Positions | Backfabrik, Berlin
2005 awarded | KunstWerk e.V., Cologne
2004 What is(s)t an artist ?| portikussi, Offenbach
2003 Different VIEWS | MAIN Gallery Vilnius, Lithuania
2002 Silence | Robert-Koepke-House, Schwalenberg
2002 art beyond limits II | gallery pussy galore, Berlin
2001 Sybaris | baltic contemporary art biennale, Szczecin, Poland
2001 TAKE MY EYES | Tsinghua University, Beijing China
2001 EXIL | Gallery pussy galore, Berlin