The number three has various meanings in many cultures and symbolic systems, whether with the Trinity in Christian religion, the goddesses of fate in Greek mythology or with creativity, self-expression and optimism in numerology. The exhibition “TrzyTresDrei” deals with the latter in particular.
Three different artistic positions from Berlin will be presented:
Joanna Buchowska
The Berlin artist Joanna Buchowska paints with paper. From her archive of magazines, she creates elaborate collages from countless scraps of paper, in which painting and collage seem to blur. Object-like works are created on canvas from the assembled papers. The works of art, which have grown so pictorially and imaginatively, are based on social themes that are often based on real stories. The artist was born in Olesnica, Poland. In addition to studying fine arts in Opole and elsewhere, Buchowska trained as a graphic designer at the L4 – Institute for New Media in Berlin.
Carlos Enfedaque
Carlos Enfedaque’s work is impulsive. He sees painting as an intuitive act in which he can let himself be guided by impulses and thus create an unmediated expression. The oeuvre of his expressionist paintings ranges from still lifes to landscapes and portraits. The Berlin-based artist is showing the latter in the group exhibition “TrzyTresDrei”. Often bold and bright, sometimes delicate and soft – Enfedaques’ expressive portraits explore the ambiguity of identity and playfully question the viewer’s perception. Carlos Enfedaques was born in 1994 in Zaragoza, Spain, where he studied at the University of Zaragoza. After a stopover at the ARCA-EUAC University of Arts in Coimbra/Portugal, he graduated from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia San Carles in Valencia/Spain in 2016.
Anne Völk
Whether iridescent paint applied directly to the wall, metallic pigments on paper or aluminum as an image carrier – Anne Völk does not view her artworks as detached objects, she always incorporates the space into her work. The bold colors and multi-layered structures, sometimes matt, sometimes glossy, sometimes cracked or saturated, make the space tangible as a three-dimensional image. The focus is always on the direct experience of color in space. Born in Idar-Oberstein in 1965, Anne Völk studied painting in Basel, Karlsruhe and Vienna. She lives and works in Berlin.